Scotch never struck me as a drink for mixing. Since really learning to love and appreciate scotch, I couldn't think of any other way to enjoy it than with some ice (heresy to some), a little water, and good company (which sometimes might just be myself - but there's nothing wrong with that.) So when I started looking at recipes that called for scotch as a mixer, I didn't quite get it - why would you even use it as a mixer? Why use this stuff that is wondrous by itself, mixing it with other things to cloud all of that inherent goodness?
I then realized I was over thinking it - it's a freakin' cocktail for god's sake. So I tried the New Yorker, and understood. The scotch brings an earthiness to drinks which might otherwise be all fruity and "citrusy." And as a mixer, a lot of the signature scotch flavors are softened s that, if you're not into the peaty, boggy flavor of a fine scotch blend, all the edges get smoothed over, becoming a player in a much yummier whole.
Blah blah blah - drink is good. Have one - especially if all you got is scotch laying around and you don't know where the hell it came from since you never really liked scotch in the first place.
New Yorker
2-3 ice cubes, cracked
1 measure Scotch whiskey (Dewar's)
1 teaspoon lime juice
1 teaspoon confectioner's sugar
finely grated zest of 1/2 lemon
lemon zest spiral to garnish
Put ice in cocktail shaker and add scotch, lime juice, and sugar. Shake until a frost forms on the shaker (about 30 seconds). Strain into an old fashioned glass. Sprinkle the grated lemon zest over the surface and decorate the rim with the lemon zest spiral.
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